7 Signs You Might Have Cataracts

7 Signs You Might Have Cataracts

Noticing changes in your vision? Cataracts may be the cause. Cataracts are a clouding of the eye’s natural lens that over time can cause blurry vision, sensitivity to light, and other symptoms that impact your daily life. Here are 7 signs, provided by us at Slingsby & Huot Eye Associates, your eye doctor in Rapid City, SD, that you may have cataracts.

1. Blurry Vision

One of the most common signs of cataracts is blurred vision. You may notice it in either one or both eyes. Objects can look fuzzy or hazy, and you may feel like you constantly need to wipe your glasses or blink to temporarily improve sight.

2. Sensitivity to Light and Glare

As cataracts progress, everyday lighting can become too bright. Vision may get washed out in sunny conditions or when lights are directly shining. Nighttime driving may also become more difficult with halos or starburst patterns around headlights.

3. Halo’s Around Lights

If you are noticing halos appearing around light sources, such as candles or lightbulbs, you might be developing cataracts.

4. Frequent Prescription Changes

If your eye doctor keeps increasing your eyeglass prescription over a short period of time, cataracts may be the reason. The clouding lens bends light improperly causing refractive vision changes.

5. Dull or Fading Colors

Cataracts cause the lens to change color over time. Colors may start appearing dull, brownish, or faded. Bright flowers or foliage seem less vibrant. Grays may look browner. These color shifts indicate cataract progression.

6. Poor Night Vision

Seeing well in low light becomes more difficult. Driving at night is challenging with reduced contrast and dimmer surroundings. Reading menus in restaurants or walking down stairs at home seems harder.

7. White Clouds in the Eyes

If you notice that your eyes are becoming cloudy when you look at them in the mirror, there is a good chance you are developing cataracts.

Get Eye Doctor Services and an Eye Exam Near You from an Ophthalmologist Near You

If you’re experiencing any of these vision issues, see our team at Slingsby & Huot Eye Associates, your ophthalmologist in Rapid City, SD, for a full exam. Cataracts is difficult to self-diagnosed in early stages and some symptoms may indicate other eye problems. Call us at (605) 719-9499 for eye doctor services and an eye exam near you.

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